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My Debian Sarge machine with Amavis-new and ClamAV is the best choice for antivirus 
protection. My machine configuration PIII 933MHZ with 128MB RAM scans and delivers 
around 200 messages a day with ease.


On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 10:14:39 +0530
Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> So I though I'd be l33t and scan all my incoming mail for viruses at
> point of entry.  Second step of being l33t is being lazy, so just
> enabled clamav-milter, since all the packages were already installed
> on my state-of-the-art bleeding-edge Red Hat 9 system and was ready to
> go.
> Initially this worked like a charm -- no more incoming viruses, just
> terse notifications of the form ``Found virus, blocked virus''.
> Yippee, I thought to myself, this rocks!
> Unfortunately time, with its propensity to remove rose-tints from
> pictures, had a different story to tell...
> First of all, clamav-milter doesn't quarantine messages, it just
> bounces them back to the sender.  Now this has two issues; firstly,
> viruses tend to spoof the From address in e-mails, so some poor bugger
> sitting in Latvia and running GNU/Hurd is getting triumphant e-mails
> from me saying, ``Thought you could infect me, huh?  Well, sucks to
> you and my Daddy can beat your Daddy!''.  Not Done.  Next, I'm
> subscribed to mailing lists that distribute vulnerability and exploit
> code, so I often get legitimate mails that contain virus signatures.
> Unfortunately, I don't get those messages anymore -- milter has
> already bounced them back.
> Secondly, clamav-milter is ghastly slow.  Sloooooooow.  It takes up to
> a minute to deliver one message to me, and for me that's completely
> unacceptable -- I get ~400 messages a day in my inbox and watching
> fetchmail crawl in a Konsole window is too painful to bear.
> Ergo, I'll brave the viruses.  Already disabled clamav-milter, tried
> to install Amavisd, which itself has a list of dependencies that
> reaches from here to the moon.  Will install once the weather is a bit
> cooler (say, December 2010).  In the meantime any suggestions on my
> problems are welcome.
> - -- Raju
> - -- 
> Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT (www.researchut.com)
Happy GNU/Linux user since 1998
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