Phew! this one really took the wind out of me :) But tell me, 
- do you think IBM, Oracle and everyone else will just let Java wither
  -- just as IBM has come out with SWT, dont you think others could
  continue the good work.
- What about the extent of adoption of Java -(i feel java has acquired a
  critical mass )
- Do you think a highly committed developer industry will just move over
  to C# or .NET or whatever ?

- What if the developers of Sun move out and form a new company and
  continue Java development (if Sun is no longer interested, would it
  stop them ?)

- Another small point- the article says Sun will move back to being Unix
  server sellers. From what i read, Linux is hurting Sun real bad in the
  server market, and it continues to increase inroads into Suns market
  share. Can Sun survive on selling Sun machines ?

I am not an analyst at this high level - i agree that this could have
far-reaching results, but not necessarily the downfall of Java, and not
necessarily the rise of C#/NET.
Possibilities that come to mind:
a. IBM playing a lead role in Java development, perhaps opensourcing it
b. An opensource spinoff of Java that gathers industry support
c. Sun fights hard for Java and itself, realises painfully that OSS is
the only way and finally goes open.

Either way, i am not sure how Sun will survive.

For a year atleast it was clear that Sun had to do something radically
different to survive:
- Linux was eating up its server market
- Java was not making much money for it (Sandip i dont agree that Sun
  One/IPlanet/whatever was really making enough money for Sun).
  This marriage was the last thing expected, but then there were no
  other choices that made sense to McNeally. (Would opensourcing Java
  have saved Sun ???)

Anyway, i am keeping eyes peeled for other articles on this, let us know
if you come across anything further.

> On Sun, 2004-04-11 at 00:57, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> > While articles of this guy generally contain sweeping jumps to 
> > conclusions sometimes...this time I am in quite an agreement with him. 
> > If LL would remember, I have been predicting something big about to hit 
> > the software world soon, and people will never know till it hits them.

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