 The fellowship of supercomputing maniacs met this
sunday at Raju's palce. The minutes (seconds to be
precise) are printed in the following lines.


 the meet begin after waitng a while for Mr. Niyam
(LL) Bhushan, who as usual confirmed a day before to
Raju that he won't be coming.

 We started, by Raj trying out the flashmob iso
brought by Anindya. Flashmob iso achived 0.4 something
GFlops on Raju's Laptop. Folowing this trial Raj
dictated 21 questions to be answered during the
discussion (we failed to answer even one question). As
volunteers for location were missing except for
Anindya from PCQuest, we decided CMIL as tentative
venue to conduct the flashmob computing.

 The discussion revolved around 21 questions (written
in detail at the end on minues). During the discussion
we decided to go for lunch, so the fellowship went to
a kerla restaurant and had couple of kerla dishes
(names not understood by me). The discussion continued
on the lunch table.

 At the end of the lunch session following conclusions
were drawn
1) Try out a prototype to check the feasability of the
2) Shejar and Anindya will try out flashmob iso
3) Vivek (Vk) the weired will try to make an iso which
will allow nodes to download image from the main
server, and experiment with the feasability of such
4) Vk, Anindya, shejar and manpreet(against his
wishes) will meet at PCQ office this sunday (18th
April) at 8 in the morning to check the feasability.
The results of this test will be declared at the
following ilugd meet same day. (At okhla venue)
5)if project is feasable discussion will take place at
ilugd meet to decide the future course of action.


======================<21 question>==================
1) how many Cds we need
2) How many floppies we need
3)how many power points are required
4)how many ethernet points are required
5)How to arrange backup power
6)how much colling we need
7)how much physical space is required
8) number of admins required
9) what skills do admins need to have
10)what chipset shall be supported
11) what kind of network and network speed is required
(10 or 100 mbps)
12) what applications we can run apart from LINPACK
13) What kind of master node(s) we need
14) what are the requirements of master node
15)how many master nodes we will need
16)what sort of reports shall be generated for
17)Time required
18) how to verify results
19)MONEY?? from where the finance for the project will
20) do we need internet connection at the venue
21) what volunteers will get in return 
=========================</21 questions>=============


The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is 
yours to draw...

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