On Tue, 2004-04-20 at 02:05, komal wrote:

> > -------- Original Message --------
> > Message from Sunil Kumar:
> >
> > Sir,
> >     I want to know about the substitutes of Coral Draw ,Adobe Photoshop,
> > Adobe Pagemaker for LINUX platform And where are they available in
> > delhi. Please reply soon as i had to install the tommorow.
> >                I am really in need.
> > --------------------------------------------------
> GIMP,Scribus but no substitute of COREL Draw as far as know available in
> Linux.
> Komal

sodipodi for vector illustration. a tutorial on it in linux-delhi.org in
downloads area available. usually, install a bunch of vector software,
like sketch, inkscape, as well.

hope this helps


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