slashdot says this is 100% legal too.
you get about 300 songs per day.

ymmv ianal

just thinking: if someone wishes to record the local radio station
broadcasts in delhi for personal use, that's allowed? or local tv shows
and videos?

should it be illegal or declared henceforth illegal, would be
interesting to see cops in everyone's bedrooms (40 crore+ homes) in
india alone, even if the cops are electronic, whatever.

imho: the past ten years can be viewed as a battle of wits between
lawyers and geeks. who's smarter? 

so far, at each round, the geeks seem to outwit lawyers. in the eyes of
many, ironically, the geeks are defending freedom and fair use; the
lawyers big ruthless companies with greed and your control written all
over them. meanwhile, whoever wins, the artists lose anyways. which is
why it seems important for the geeks to win, so artists can eventually
break out to new emerging opportunities and flexibility.



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