> >As mentioned before, PyQT or PyGTK are good
> >alternatives too, as is Java. But, for developing an
> >application rapidly, the latter isnt a good option
> >unless you already know it. (Which is doubtful, since
> >you're doing stuff on VB as of now..).
> Coming from VB, he wouldnt know Qt or GTK either. And those
> are not really simpler or faster to start off on, are they ?
> Thus, i thought of the py.. options.
> However, in the longer run, if he's making a move, he should
> consider reskilling himself to Java/GTK/Qt.

Borland Kylix. I dunno if it is still supported, but it is a v. good
alternative to VB+MS-Access. In fact you can take Kylix projects and
recompile them for Windows using Delphi/C++ Builder. But Kylix uses CLX (If
I remember correctly), which is different from VCL, and doesn't match upto
VCL for the depth. Most CLX components seemed to be stripped down versions
of the VCL components!

IMHO once you use Delphi and C++ builder, you will start wondering why VB is
still so popular (At least I do!)

Ambar Roy

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