On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 13:34, puneet loiya wrote:
>       plz suggest me how to install and work vth VNC
> viewer on Red Hat 9.0. I want to share my desktop on
> 25 pc at a time as for corporate training.

Once you have packages for vncserver and vnc installed simply start a
terminal and give command "vncserver" from the desktop where instructor
is going to work. The terminal will respond with query on password to be
used and then will give a display like:
"New 'localhost.localdomain:1 (sudev)' desktop is
Note the "localhost.localdomain:1" and the password and tell students to
run this command on their machines:
$ vncviewer localhost.localdomain:1
They will be asked for password and will be able to access the shared X
session. At the end of instruction session to kill a vncserver use:
$vncserver -kill localhost.localdomain:1

Details of setup are readable by man vncserver and man vncviewer. HTH.
Sudev Barar
Learning Linux

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