On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 22:11, Kishore Bhargava wrote:
> Hi! Sudev,
> > I have tried many ways to get the free camera that came with PCQuest
> > subscription to work under linux with singular output - no result. 
> > I do not have any M$ machine to try CDROM that came along and PCQ does
> > not reply. This is also supposed to work as web-cam.
> > Any kind soul who can help get this freebie working for me? 
> Why don't you try this with Knoppix 3.4. Since the hardware detection in 
> Knoppix is sheer black magic, you may have better luck than with your 
> current installed distro.
Knoppix did not work. It shows same information as Fedora on lsusb no
more plus Knoppix does not came with any front end for camera like
Digital Camera Tool etc. to actually test this all out.
Still looking for solutions :-7
Sudev Barar
Learning Linux

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