Linux Authorized Trainig Books Required


Any body is having linux authorized training books for System/Network/Security Administrator.

Please tell me how can I get it.

  Authorized \Au"thor*ized\, a.
     1. Possessed of or endowed with authority; as, an authorized
        [1913 Webster]

     2. Sanctioned by authority.
        [1913 Webster]

As opposed to Micro$oft, Linux has been written by a team of hackers. There is no central point of authority in Linux. So if you see some book which says "Linux Certified training books for System/Network/Security Administrator", that is a Big, Fat Lie.

Now if you would like my personal recommendation i would suggest the following

- guides at tldp.org

- Running Linux (O'reilly publishers)

- TCP/IP network administration (o'reilly publishers)

- Mailing list of Linux delhi (linux-delhi.org)

Others too please add their suggestions. These should be enough to get you started. Do keep us posted on how things work out.

   / \__
  (    @\___    Raj Shekhar
  /         O   My home : http://geocities.com/lunatech3007/
 /   (_____/    My blog : http://lunatech.journalspace.com/
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