Hi Akshat,

>>>>> "Akshat" == A K S H A T <A_K_S_H_A_T> writes:

    Akshat> Dear Friends, Thanks for reading this message.

    Akshat> I think no one is available here to help other, every one
    Akshat> just read messages and no reply is sent.???

Not really.  Sometimes people won't answer because the answer is a
simple google search.  Sometimes no one knows the answer.  Sometimes
people are too busy to answer.  Sometimes people know the answer,
aren't too busy but don't answer because they feel that abominations
like ``u'' and ``bcoz'' and ``2day'' have no relevance in an English
mailing list (I know I do :).  Sometimes you actually get an answer!

    Akshat> QUERIES:-

    Akshat> Q1)Whenever we SSH some machine it ask for password, but
    Akshat> what we have to do such that it will not ask the password
    Akshat> .


    Akshat> Q2)How we can connect to internet using Tata Indicom
    Akshat> phone.

No idea.  Apparently no one has tried that, or hasn't succeeded, or

    Akshat> Q3)How to import windows address book in linux mozilla
    Akshat> address book and window netescape mail to linux mozilla
    Akshat> mail.


    Akshat> Q4)Please tell me the source from where I can get
    Akshat> LPI,SAIR,COMPTIA certification dumps question.


I'm sure you would be able to find similar URL's for the other

See?  It's that simple!


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
                      It is the mind that moves

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