On Wed, 2004-07-14 at 16:23, ankur chauhan wrote:
> does anyone know how to cusatomize an existing distro like
> fedora/debian
> to make a new distro like the PC Quest people made PCQLinux from
> Fedora
> Core 1.by this i mean how do i change the artwork the desktop icons
> etc
> please tell me a link/book etc in this respect

making a distribution/customizing an existing distro is not very simple.
if yu want to completely customize it according to your requirements,
then try LFS (linuxfromscratch.org). otherwise if yu just need to modify
icons etc. and change the installation, then perhaps yu can look into
anaconda installer and modify the themes (e.g. for gnome yu can find
them in /usr/share/themes, /usr/share/icons and /usr/share/pixmaps)

if yu already have installed a distro and want to customize it yu can
have a look at the gnome desktop system administration guide -

also, AFAIR, pcquest carried an article on how to customize a
distribution some time back. yu can try searching google, hopefully
yu'll find good help there

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