Nine people turned up for the meeting to plan for the Linux India 2004. Initially we decided on what events we would be holding for event. They are

- Demos

- Talks

- Install fest

- Troubleshooting of problems

The date of the event is 12 September, which is a Sunday. The main reason a Sunday was chosen is t would not interfere with the work schedule of volunteers and participants. Next the coordinators for the various events were appointed. The coordinators are

Demos - Edwin

Talks - Mairu

Sponsors - Satyakam

Install fest - Triveni

Venue - Tarun

How to bring attendees - Raj Shekhar

After this we had a brainstorming in how each coordinator can go about his work and who all he can contact to help him out. Each coordinator will be posting his own list of things to the mailing lists and others an then add in their own ideas to it. We decided to meet next Sunday (15th Aug) again to discuss how things have progressed (the venue of next meet is IHC).

The meeting officially dissolved after then and we moved over to the Etopia, the IHC dhaba, for some food (which was quite good). would also like to point that it was one of the most productive meetings I have ever attended. The ILUGD group was also the nosiest of the group at IHC. Please stay tuned for more updates

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