Hello all,

In the brainstorming session of the meeting at IHC, we decided on the following ideas.

- Mail Nishi to get the email addresses of the registered members of the Linux Delhi. The members will be mailed telling them about the Linux India.

- Put posters in colleges. Kapil and Mairu will be responsible for putting posters in the North Campus, Shejar and me will be putting up posters in Noida and Mayur Vihar area. Any volunteers for South Campus ?

- Mairu will design posters + flyers for the event

- We plan to have 5000 flyers and 1000 posters (personally I think 1000 posters is a lot, but others please chip in your suggestions)

- Mail the companies flyers announcing about the event. Mail addresses about the companies can be obtained from the NASSCOM, FICCI and TIE sites

- Edwin to let me know about the publisher who can print the flyers

- Satyakam (dingo) will provide the content for the flyer and poster

- Cross posting to various mailing lists. Contact Frederick Noronah for this.

- Put ads in newspapers, LFY, PCQuest. Tarun will talk with the LFY and PCQuest people.

- Satyakam will put in articles about the event in newspapers like TOI, Indian Express

- Announce the event on linuxpr.com

- Announce it on Slashdot (mairu to request Rob Limo about it)

- Organize chain phone calling telling people about the event

Raj Shekhar,
System Administrator
Media Web India

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