Raj Mathur wrote:

1. Confirm that you are available on both 19th and 26th September for
the day.  The date will be fixed soon, so we'll be able to knock one
of the days off.

I should be available on 19th but not on 26th. However, the confirmation would be made available by the 1st week of Sept.

2. Provide your slides.  The LAST DATE for submission of slides is
September 1, 2004.  Names of speakers, however notor^H^H^H^H^H
luminous, whose slides have not been received by that date will be
unceremoniously knocked off.

In case I am unable to be there, I would like to provide a presentation with adequately copious notes which should suffice for the presentation to be taken up.

I'll be mailing the individual speakers too, so if someone is not
subscribed to the list (why not?) s/he would have no place left to
hide in.

Grinning, ducking and hiding

Please post your slides to me.

Will do the needful.


3.Sankarshan Mukhopadhay
L10n, ICT4D, and their social integration aspects

Great to know that my name is being spelt correctly


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