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On 09/13/2004 10:54 AM, Subhamoy Mukherjee wrote:

| I'm facing a problem with the new Wipro (17 inches) monitor model : J7.
| I tried to install RH9 , FC 2 or RHEL 3 but the graphical installation
is not working with this monitor. During installation it's detecting the
monitor as WIPROJ7 but after that the installation failed.
| But text mode installation is working fine. Moreover after the
successful text mode installation the X window is not working.

The X windows has very little to do with the monitor, nothing important
except the refresh rates. The install anyway would use 60Hz as the
refresh rate and that most certainly will be supported by your monitor.
You may have a problem if you try to use an unsupported refresh rate.

I would think this is problem more to do with your graphics card, than
the monitor. In your X steup you might want to try changing the monitor
selection to some generic VGA and see if that works.

Is there any message that appears on the screen when the X tries to
start ? What exactly happens, it would help if you can elaborate.

- - Ankur.
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