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Quick update on the future event meet today (Sunday 10th).

Participants: Manpreet, Kishore, Satyakam and yours truly.

Events coming up that we're looking at:

1. Navy Public School, Delhi, between 17 and 22 November.  1/2 day
seminar, full day demo.  Sort of like another LDD.  Target audience is
school students and teachers.

2. Scindia School, Gwalior, I or II week of November.  2 days
including talks, demos, quizzes, any other exciting events you can
think of.  Target audience is primarily students, would like to
conduct some training for teachers too.

3. Bharti Vidya Mandir (I hope I got that right) Gwalior, clubbed with
Scindia School trip, one day, sort of another LDD.  Target audience is
colleges in Gwalior.

4. NSIT, Delhi, December.  2 days demos, talks, quizzes, etc.  Target
audience is some 3000 technical colleges all across the country who'd
be attending a national event at NSIT at the same time.

We are proposing talking to Linux vendors for supporting us.  If you
are a vendor, the deal is: you get branding and space at the event.
In return, you can make CDs available, you cannot promote proprietary
software at the event or in follow-ups, and you must organise free
training and a Linux installation (using free software only) for any
school/college that approaches you at the event.  Does that sound like
a good deal?  You're welcome to charge for support and services

Rest of it: After various kinds of comestibles (coffees, teas,
sandwiches, cakes) at Cafe Coffee Day we got a ``keeda'' for Thukpa
(soup w/ noodles).  Tried to find, no luck, finally had momos at the
shack next to PVR; OK momos, killer chili chutney.  Went on to Vasant
Lok for some rather rotten sandwiches and stuff at the Irish joint
there -- avoid it like the plague, their food pretty much sucks.
Finally ended up at Priya for Collateral, which wasn't bad at all.

On the way from PVR to Priya, Kishore had to brake hard to avoid
running over a little dog.  Unfortunately, the chap behind us couldn't
brake that fast and we got rammed in the back of the car.  Shook head
sadly and carried on, until a couple of hundred meters down the road
when some scraping noise at the read caused Kishore to pull over to
the side of the road to investigate.  The chap in the Santro who'd
rammed us also pulled over for some reason and started walking up to
us.  Lo and behold, it turns out to be Akshay Lamba of Bharti!  Well,
I guess if you have to be rammed by someone let it be a friend rather
than a complete stranger; a couple of KM down the line we ourselves
rammed (quite gently) into an auntie at the traffic signal.  She
didn't look happy, but she drove on regardless, figuring that it
wasn't worth it tangling with 2 obvious criminal-looking types like K
and I :)

Thoughts welcome.


- - -- Raju
- - -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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