greetings to all.
i has a creative modem blaster V.90 PCI DI5655. it had the driver for 2.2.x
then i got Pctel HSP56 micromodem, that too has drivers for RH7.0 kernel.
then i got motorola sm56, that has the same problem(
i was wanting to know what modem to go for keeping in view updates to the krnel, 
making previous drivers incompatible->unusable.i mean is there any modem whose 
manufacturer assures lifetime suppy of drivers for upcomming kernel!? or is it 
possible that say a driver for 2.2.x kernel would work for 2.6.x or future releases 
with some tweaking(no waiting).
kindly suggests pointers to this if it is possible.
any suggestions would help me a lot by letting me browse the net from my fedora core 2 
distribution, and save me from rebotting into windows getting the stuff, putting it in 
a shared partition and getting hold of it finally and proceeding!

NAMASTE, i honour the spirit in you which is also in me.

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