On 23 Oct 2004 06:19:15 -0000, amit kumar arora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> being a system admin , if u want to start a utility that will search 
>''users database'' on system startup. i.e search for *.jpeg *.mp3 
>etc files and if that(utility) find any files that can corrupt ur policy,
> then it(utility) will mail the NAME of that USER 
A very easy and simple solution is to write a simple script that
"find"s the user dircetory (with it gets from /etc/passwd) for such
required files and "mail"s the admin.
The prblem will be when you are looking for specific type of jpeg or mp3 files.

Arjun Jain, 7th Sem CSE, RVCE
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