Minutes of Meeting:-

1. Atul Asthana spoke about length about the various issues faced in
promoting linux and need for a multi-pronged approach as opposed to one
right way. Outlining the importance of sales, he highlighted that Intel
8086 was chosen as the base for IBM PC only because of good marketing and
not on technical merits alone against much better processors at the time
( the Z-80 and M-68000). However intel had a much better sales team.

2. Raj Mathur highlighted a recent news item in economic times ( I don't
have the URL - if someone has it please post it here) Govt. of India is
going to push through legislation which will in effect announce software
patents to be applicable in India from January 1st 2005 without debate.

Raj Mathur will also prepare a position paper on the same.

The effects this would have on free software development/use and even the
general software industry would devastating. 

-- The remaining talks were postponed till next meet.

3. The final attendance at the meet barely reached the double digit this
time to 10.

4. The rest of the meet was continued at the Naraina PVR complex and ended
with a movie.

Nothing you ever wanted to find about Tarun Dua

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