>If PgSQL is going to be your main application, leave /var with the
>huge disk space.  7GB for /usr is fine, since /usr doesn't grow
>significantly after installation and setup; /var, however, holds the
>databases and is likely to expand with time.

If that is the case, I shouldn't have got such an error :o(

File "C:\installs\PYTHON23\lib\site-packages\pyPgSQL\PgSQL.py", line 3072, in 
libpq.OperationalError: ERROR:  cannot extend [Table Name]: No space left on 
Check free disk space.

And as soon as I got that, the first command I issued was:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] var]# df -kh
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda7             4.9G  301M  4.3G   7% /
/dev/hda1             4.9G   52M  4.6G   2% /boot
/dev/hda3             9.7G  178M  9.0G   2% /home
/dev/hda2              42G  532M   39G   2% /opt
none                  999M     0  999M   0% /dev/shm
"/dev/hda6             5.8G  5.5G   63M  99% /usr"
/dev/hdc1              73G  543M   69G   1% /var

The installation was done as per the guidelines given by postgres documents and 
no tweak/manipulations were done.

Please suggest me if I am wrong or have done a mistake and how can I rectify 

Thanks and Regards,


«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» 

      «.....[ Garry ].....» 

«·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·» 

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