Vikram Mandal wrote:
You'd need something like a 2- or 4-processor box with 4G of RAM to
handle that kind of traffic.  Have hardware RAID with fast channels
and disks.

duh! just for running 2 setups of the same CMS!!! I have heard webhosting companies running 800-900 sites on one machine of 1 processor and 1 GB of RAM. Would you be having some great contacts with hardware dealers too ;-)) May be you even like to help us choose a vendor.

He is right. In my experience, running a mysql server for a 15 lac page views a day website alone costed us a dual processor xeon with 1 gb of ram and when the queries got locked we had to run to our rxvt's killing them and please, please keep your smartass comments about mysql optimization and normalization to yourself.

Going in for a FLOSS CMS sounds good, but be aware that most CMSs
(FLOSS and otherwise) are riddled with security holes.  Hire a good
security consultant to help you out.

Why do you feel FLOSS CMS is so weak? I have worked on atleast two FLOSS CMS and I must tell you the core is robust. May be the additional plugins/ extension, modules, released by so many contributors, may not be that good of a work.
And about not knowing security holes, I believe security holes comes to notice quickest in Open source community. So we can always fix them. Your above comment is same as the view of many Windows clients! May you could also provide some security solutions for me too. I keep getting windows update every alternate day.

FLOSS CMS's as a whole are not week, your choice is poor, PHP & Mysql combo may be the easiest to implement, not to mention cheap! you can make a few bucks and hire some kidds to patch your "FLOSS CMS" together, so that does not look too much like PHP-nuke. PHP has a history of nasty security hole, think before you make the choice and look at the project mailing list history.

   Vikram> Please also support your suggestion with fact and figures
   Vikram> as the recommendation for the same will have to justified
   Vikram> by me to our clients.

Facts: I said it so it must be true.

Figures: Here's three for a start: 36, 24 and 36. Please feel free to

I though you were a guy! Are you or..... never mind.

When Miss smiths was explaining sarcasm in class 5 you must be in the CS department hacking Gw-basic. bad boy.

Vikram> BTW, could some one also tell how do I figure out the Vikram> consumption of memory by my PHP scripts.

   Vikram> And help, comments will be highly appreciated. And thank
   Vikram> you for reading this much.

Will give out what ever input I get back to the list.

You seem to have a lot of information about FLOSS CMS's. why dont you put up a list together with pro's and con's of each and write an article about it, in any case you will end up trying a lot of them if you want to tackle the problem sincerely.

trompe le monde.

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