On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 00:25, Raj Shekhar wrote:
> Hello
> It seems that there is some confusion about the prices being charged for 
> entering the LinuxAsia 2004.  I checked the prices today 
> (http://www.linuxasia2005.com/attendee/reg_att_c.php) and there is no 
> entry fees for the "Expo/Job Fair Pass" .  I remember that this is the 
> way it was arranged last year too.
> The reason why I am mentioning this is because some people are under the 
> impression that you have pay a good sum of money to even enter the 
> LA2005 event, while LA2004 had free entry for all.  from what I can see 
> on the website, it is still the same (or is there a fine print thing I 
> missed out ?)
> Hence, if you are planning to volunteer for the ILUGD stall, you can 
> register yourself for the free pass thing.
> Secondly, there are rumors that ILUGD has been promised a hall (beside a 
> space for the stall) on the last day of the conference which will be put 
> to use to demo $THINGS.  Anyone has any concrete info about this ?

There seems to be a wall of silence from President Raj or Secretary
Tarun... The last thread also died without any one being wiser?
.....just a sec...Tarun said minutes of last meeting not posted? Who is
to post them but himself....whats up?
Sudev Barar
Learning Linux

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