Hi Sriram,

Thanks for the feedback.

>>>>> "Sriram" == Sriram J <Sriram> writes:

    >> Has anyone used a USB CD writer with any success for any length
    >> of time under Linux?  If you have, specific brands/models of
    >> both CD writer and enclosure would be appreciated.

    Sriram> I used an Iomega external usb cd writer with K3b on
    Sriram> knoppix 3.6 till a month ago .  it worked fine without any
    Sriram> trouble shooting as K3b recognizeed it immediately.  i
    Sriram> burned(Copied) lots of CD's and faced no problems .  K3b
    Sriram> is a great software.  Regards Sriram

What was the model of the CD writer?  How was the writing speed?

-- Raju
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