Fri 21-Jan-2005
ILUG-D activity in last 7 days:
New/recent events: 1   Total events:39
1. Richard M Stallman @ VIT, Vellore
When: Thu, Jan 20, 2005 - 04:00PM
Where: Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore
Contact: Anurag Goyal
Category: -News/Announcements
Swatantra-2005, A Natinal syposium on free open source software technolgies is 
organised here at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. Richard M Stallman 
will be there to deliver the keynote address of the symposium. The event will 
also witness the inauguration of the Tamil Nadu Chapter of the Free Software 
Foundation of India by Richard M. Stallman, Founder GNU.

Events include:

LINSTALL-- The Linux installation challenge.
Anaconda !! YaSt !! Mongoose !! familiar with all these names? Have been 
installing nn your system for a long time and you find it fun?? making the X 
server run?? configuring the boot loader?? ..
YES??..One event where apply all your skills which you developed over the years 
by trying to install GNU/Linux on your system.

WEBMINISTER-- The Apache web server Challenge
Love Apache because of the customizability it offers while deploying Your 
website? Love fiddling with httpd.conf and think you are best at it? This is 
one event to prove yourself! Come and demonstrate that your are the best at the 
best web server that there is and ever was.....

CORE WARS-- Challenge the memory This event will feature an old game called 
core wars which involves destroying your opponents programs by overwriting the 
memory in which this program is stored. It will kindle the nerves of memory 
geeks with pointers and direct memory references expertise being the norm....

New Discussion forum postings: 13   Total postings: 444
1. Category: Linux Everywhere   Author: Shailesh kumar
Subject: RE:embedded systems
Date: Jan 13, 2005
Hi Priyanka,
   There are many simulators available on the net. There are lots of tutorials 
also available. I suggest you study...

2. Category: Networking   Author: Rajesh Kanchan
Subject: Linux Configuration
Date: Jan 15, 2005
Hi All,

I am novice to linux I had installed linus server and now I am trying to 
configure it to use as firewall Server, DNS...

3. Category: Networking   Author: Rajesh Kanchan
Subject: Linux Server Configuration
Date: Jan 15, 2005
Hi All,

Please help me. I had Installed RedHat Linux 8.0 as Server and now I want to 
configure it to use as Firewall Server,...

4. Category: Networking   Author: Siddharth 
Subject: RE:Linux Configuration
Date: Jan 16, 2005

Just install webmin on your server and rest is easy. After installing it, start 
the webmin service and use a browser to...

5. Category: ILUG-D Web Site   Author: Askar 
Subject: Linux High performance computing
Date: Jan 16, 2005
I think you should have a forum discussing Linux HPC issues. Like Beowulf, open 
It is really important fo...

6. Category: Job Openings   Author: Askar 
Subject: Fourth Dimension Systems
Date: Jan 16, 2005
Hello friends!

I have started an online open source project at This 
project is called Fourth Dimension S...

7. Category: Networking   Author: Sanjeev Kulshreshtha
Subject: RE:Linux Server Configuration
Date: Jan 16, 2005
Hi all,

I also want the same information. I want to setup a application server or LAN 
Server where my staff can  develop data...

8. Category: Networking   Author: Sanjeev Kulshreshtha
Subject: RE:Linux Server Configuration
Date: Jan 16, 2005
Hi all I also want the same information. I want to setup a application server 
or LAN Server where my staff can  develop database...

9. Category: Networking   Author: Sanjeev Kulshreshtha
Subject: developing LAN and share files and internet
Date: Jan 16, 2005
Hi all I also want the same information. I want to setup a application server 
or LAN Server where my staff can  develop database...

10. Category: Networking   Author: Rajesh Kanchan
Subject: RE:Linux Configuration
Date: Jan 17, 2005
Thanks for your help.
I had tried with webmin as well,
and it still doesn't work.


11. Category: Job Openings   Author: Rajesh Kanchan
Subject: MCA Completed
Date: Jan 17, 2005
Hi All

I had completed my MCA in May 2002 from G. I. M. T. Greater Noida And now 
working with Bharti Infotel Ltd. Is there ot...

12. Category: -News/Announcements   Author: Padmaraj g
Subject: amavisd-new startup error
Date: Jan 17, 2005
while starting amavisd-new iam getting the following error service amavisd start
Starting amavisd: Problem in Amavis::DB or Ama...

13. Category: -News/Announcements   Author: Nishi Kapoor
Subject: RE:amavisd-new startup error
Date: Jan 18, 2005
>Can't locate in @INC

Try installing You can get it from

New News items: 1   Total items:134
1. Category: -News/Announcements   Author: Rohit Malhotra
Subject: Compiere (Open Source ERP) now runs successfully on Daffodil DB
Date: Jan 10, 2005
8th Jan, 2005 (Gurgaon, India): Daffodil Software, a leading database 

New comments:0    Total comments:90
New downloads:0   Total downloads:55
New members:35   Total members:3704
1. Abhishek , User, Haryana, India
2. Alok Gupta, Power User, India
3. Ankit Bedi, Novice, New Delhi, India
4. Anurag Goyal, Novice, India
5. Arun Mittal, User, Harayana, India
6. Aruna Mathur, Novice, India
7. Ashok kumar, Novice, India
8. Ashwani Bhatia, Novice, Delhi, India
9. Birendra Raturi, Novice, New Delhi, India
10. Gurwinder , Novice, west midland, United Kingdom
11. JBOT , Novice, India
12. Maen fadel, Novice, India
13. Mandeep Kaur, Other, New Delhi, India
14. Mitesh agrawal, Novice, up, India
15. Nitin jain, Novice, India
16. Nitin Saxena, User, Delhi, India
17. Padmaraj g, Novice, India
18. Rajeev , Novice, India
19. Rajeev Vaid, Novice, India
20. Rajesh Kanchan, Novice, Haryana, India
21. Ram Narayanan, Other, haryana, India
22. Reena Singh, Novice, Maharastra, India
23. Salin jos, Novice, kerala, India
24. Sandeep , Novice, India
25. Sanjai kumar, User, haryana, India
26. Sanjay Kharb, Novice, India
27. Satish Karale, Other, Maharashtra, India
28. Sharad singh, User, India
29. Sharath Iyengar, Novice, India
30. Shekhar Sherikar, Power User, Maharashtra, India
31. Shrikant Bhardwaj, Novice, India
32. SUDIP CHOUDHURY, Novice, westbengal, India
33. Suman Mukherjee, Novice, India
34. Tanish , Novice, India
35. Umesh Sharma, Power User, India
Send your suggestions, comments or feedback to admin_at_linux-delhi_dot_org

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Group - Delhi.

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