Ganesh wrote:
Hi Sudev,
Ping will only show network disconnection status and not the reason for disconnection (Like cable unplugged, link down, etc). Ping only echoes data packets using ICMP which gathers status alone and doesn't gather reason for failures.

Each Ethernet adapter is made up of two components - a Media Independent Interface (MII) or an Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) and a Transceiver.

The transceiver, as the name suggests, interacts with the physical media, while the MII/AUI provide a standarized interface to the transceiver.

AUIs are quite old and you would likely find them only on very old 10mbps networks.

You can use mii-tool or mii-diag under Linux to determine physical line status.

You would not be able to determine which end the link went down from - either at the NICs side or the remote side, but then, there is no logical way of achieving this that I am aware of. Always happy to learn, though.

Varun Varma
Mindframe Software & Services Pvt. Ltd.

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