Dear Friends,
I am having a VPS(Server) with Redhat 9.0 as the distro for website hosting
with webmin as the control panel. Currently i create a account through
Virtualmin Server inside Server tab of Webmin. This creates a new user with
some password. The new user can login to his account via ssh but he has most
of the preveliges and can roam to any directory.what i want is:
1)He is restricted to his default directory.
2)He has no ssh access and can transfer files through ftp server.

I also wanted to know that mine vps gives me only 64 MB of RAM will this be
sufficient to host a ftp server.
Also please suggest a good ftp server to me which will consume least

Also i wanted to host BIND will this consume resources in plenty. Also i
have just 1 IP , how ,many ips are required to host bind so that i can host
sites with mine nameservers instead of using third party nameservers.
Thanks in advance for your time and effort.
Abhishek jain

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