
On my school's computer, I have made a script that executes another script if 
it gets the specified options from the kernel's command line parameters. The 
script is a part of rc.local. It is:
if grep runX /proc/cmdline > /dev/null 2>&1
   then while true
      do /etc/X11/prefdm
elif grep text /proc/cmdline > /dev/null 2>&1
   then for i in $(seq 1 6)
      do ( while true
         do /sbin/mingetty /dev/tty$i
         ) &

The parameter that I give in the kernel is that same as the output of cat 
/proc/cmdline. It reads:
ro root=/dev/hda9 vga=791 acpi=off 7 runx

The text part works fine. The /proc/cmdline reads:
ro root=/dev/hda9 vga=791 acpi=off 7 text

PS: I have already created runlevel 7, okay? It is just a copy of 3 with some 
services removed and gettys removed so that I can specify everything on the 
cmdline. I also know that it can also be done in init and will be better. 
But, this is just for r&d.

 Arjun Asthana
 Registered Linux User #293731       / /\
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 May the Source be with you      \_________\/

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