On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 Anupam Jain wrote :
>Hi everyone!

>The cds didn't exactly arrive in the best of condition but still they are up 
>for grabs on a first come first serve basis.. Anyone who wants a set can come 
>to my place to pick them up.. I live near Sarai so u already know the way ;-)
>- AJ

hello all

i would like to try the Ubuntu Linux.
but before this i would like to know if its suitable 
for my machine or not..?
here is the basic configuration of my system:
processor : 667MHz Celeron
RAM       : 128 MB  (no budget for increaments now ;-)
HDD       : 20GB
if yes (yes!), then i request Mr Anupam Jain to send me his address,
or the place where i can pick-up the CD.

thanks to you all 


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