Raj Mathur wrote:
> Hey Dudes and Dudettes,
> The question that you are asking yourself is, now that we a formally
> registered society, how does it impact me?  If you aren't, start

> We will have to conduct General Body Meetings and get our accounts
> audited annually.  Poor Kishore (our Treasurer) will actually have to
> start keeping track of those crores and crores of Rupees that are
> coming in and going out of our kitty -- I doubt if the Government of
> India will accept numbers written on the outside of the cash envelope
> as a statement of accounts.  If you have the experience, time and
> inclination to help Kishore with the money please step forward.

Damn, I thought envelope accounting could become a new standard! If thats 
not going to happen in a hurry, the I need help, urgently. What I'd really 
like is a small and simple accounting package that I can use on Linux. I 
have not tried any of the packages available as yet.

If anyone has experience with that please do help.

  > What will not change
> ====================
> The fun, the general recklessness, the treading where angels fear to
> tread, the disorganised way of working, the flames and the fighting
> will remain as before, as will the LUG battle-cry, feared wherever
> Linux Users gather to discuss Life, the Universe and Everything --
> ``You Have Been Volunteered!''.  T-shirts will still be sold at
> exorbitant prices, CDs made available for low or no cost, money

Some things will just not change, and we would not want them to either.

Big Event planning is on again. The dates and venue had sort of been fixed 
but I will get a reconfirmation on both.

Q:      What's the difference between a Mac and an Etch-a-Sketch?
A:      You don't have to shake the Mac to clear the screen.

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