Sysadmin dont use real time linux ....its an embedded system like your 
playstation,mobile phone,  guided misile system  ...
santosh dubey wrote:

>Sys admins since i am targeted my questions to
>--- Viksit Gaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Dear Sys admins,
>>Not everyone on this list is a sysadmin! :)
>>>What is Real Time Linux?? 
>>According to one of the most reliable sources
>>RT Systems are those whose correctness includes its
>>response time as well as its functional correctness.
>>The above basically means that apart from the
>>working of the system itself, how fast you get a
>>response also matters a lot. In this regard, such
>>systems get classified into Hard and Soft Real time
>>systems. google for more info!
>>>How it is different from
>>>Mandrake,Fedora and RH etc.
>>The distros mentioned above are user level distros -
>>they are used on desktop applications, server
>>management, development, blah - but essentially, by
>>human being sitting on a computer. RT Systems are
>>deployed on satellites, missiles and such - that is
>>where the term 'embedded' comes in as well. 
>>These systems have to gather data, and act on it in
>>very fast loop, in order to ensure the safety of the
>>device they're on, or any other factors which may be
>>in play.
>>A really cool article I read in LinuxJournal on
>>and satellites :
>>>>From where i can download it??? How the term
>>>is related with it??
>>Search for VxWorks, RTLinux, FreeRTOS, LynuxWorks
>>Viksit Gaur           
>>Just because you have a mind like a hammer doesn't
>>mean you should treat everyone else like a nail -
>>Terry Pratchett
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