On Wed, April 27, 2005 16:05, santosh dubey said:
> Hi,
> Since we want to port some of our exe applications on
> linux so best choice is wine. i am testing wine with
> various applications to verify whether it can be
> useful.
> when i try ti execute Spyware doctor , i got following
> module error...
> Can you pls suggest me some pointer so that i can
> solve it.actually it is my homework for our actual
> application

i'd suggest try directly the actual application rather than installing and
testing other applications. wine doesn't support ALL windows applications.
there's a list maintained here


also, with every new version of wine the application compatibility
changes. running exe's through wine in a production environment may not be
a good idea though

| vivek  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://exain.net |
|        Registered Linux User: #305493            |

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