This is continuation to my mail about nesting dyne:bolic.

One of the reasons for asking was because my cd/dvd drive is not working 
properly, some hardwre glitch.

So two additional questions are
My laptop is a PIII Compaq E 500 with 384 MB RAM and 18 Gb HD. It has 
one USB 1.1 slot. I checked the bios settings and cnoot find an option 
to boot of USB.

Is there a way to setup up booting from USB so that I could use an 
external cd drive.

IS there a way to boot a live cd of a floppy - and have the cd on an 
external drive.



> Hi
> In my search for video tools a friend told me to use dynebolic 
> gnu/linux- its live, fast and has a lot of video tools.
> It boots up qucikly and works pretty fast even though its on a cd.
> It has an option of nesting the os o the root ,
> I wanted to do this since it will be some time since I can actually 
> get the software on the cd for my mandrake os.
> My question is : is it worth nesting the os on the harddisk
> what will be he problems. ?
> and what precautions should be taken ?

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