> Dear all,
> I am using DSL 512 Kbps broadband connection with
> DSL 906e 10 Mbps router. I
> had two static IP address. one IP is used for Linux
> 6.2 system and second is
> used for Windows 2000 server.

> At morning when I start both servers it works fine
> for 2 or 3 hours after
> some time my wan goes down. While in this down time
> if I removed LAN 2 cable
> from switch 1 my Linux server will works fine, if I
> put it back to switch it
> link goes down again. and linux server stop pinging
> to VSNL DNS server.
> I cant identify the problem VSNL support team also
> work here from last 1
> month but problem not solved
> please help me what can I do?
> Thanks and regards
> Swapnil K.
> System Group

Seems like you have an IP address conflict on the two
boxes hooked up to switch 1.


-- Naresh

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