On 7/2/05, Sharad Birmiwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i'd recommend you do a fresh installation and keep /home (if not
> already) on a separate partition.
> i had encouraged some of my friends to try out mandrake 10.1 for me (i
> myself use lfs). i had downloaded the 3 CDs from some official mirror
> (md5 verified) for them. many programs didn't work. one problem i
> distinctly remember is that ftp would segfault. i couldn't connect to
> ftp servers thru konqueror too..
> i'd recommend you rather use 10.0 than 10.1.

I agree.. Mandrake 10.1 was more trouble than worth.. Actually I'd say
lose Mnadrake altogether and use Ubuntu.. I use Ubuntu (Warty) nowdays
(Especially after I got a broadband connection).. And for what my
opinion is worth, I totally have gotten used to the simplification and
the ease of use (Maybe it's Ubuntu, maybe it's Gnome, I dunno).. And
Synaptic is such a huge improvement over Kpackage.. Fully
recommended.. I still have some Ubuntu warty CD's left over if anyone
wants them, though people should probably use Hoary nowdays..

- AJ

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