I tried that it did not work - it refused to pick up the .mozilla stuff.

So I had to open the email client create the same accounts offline and 
then copy the data files , then it picked it up. I got all my data doing 

I think the ."folder" method works for newer versions but cannot be sure.

There is a similar query I made earlier - you may examine the results if 
that as well.

Raj shekhar wrote:

>>I m using mozilla as my mail client. Now i have to change my machine.  
>>and i want to take my all the mails to the new PC. Does anybody know how 
>>to export the mails, address book, settings of mozilla.
>- Make sure that you do not have any running instances of thunderbird.
>- Copy your ~/.thunderbird from the older machine to the new machine
>- Run thunderbird on the new machine - the first time it runs, it will 
>automatically start with all your previous settings intact.
>- If it does not work, post back your error messages
>As usual, if this method burns down your house, I will not be 
>responsible :-)
>On another note, please do not hijack threads. Always start a new thread 
>instead of taking an already ongoing one, changing the subject line and 
>posting it again. The subject line is only  loosely related to the 
>threading.  Every mail message has a message-id.    When you "reply" or 
>"followup" to a message, you client is supposed to  put a References 
>header with the message-id of the message you are  replying to.
>If you use an existing thread, the result is that your question is 
>buried below unrelated questions when looking at the mailing list in a 
>threaded way. This is known as `Hijacking threads'. It causes 
>information to be lost and you'll be less likely to get an answer.

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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