>From http://www.boingboing.net/2005/07/20/free_software_for_bu.html

Free Software for Busy People is a new book from Mohammad Al-Ubaydli, a
Bahraini MD who is on a mission to help information-civilians understand
why they should use free/open source software. The book tells the story
of six people from six walks of life (government administrator, MD,
corporate exec, entrepreneur, Arab teacher, primary school teacher) who
adopt free software. The book simply and clearly states the case for
adopting free software and provides equally clear and simple
explanations of how to switch and what to expect when you get there. You
can buy a printed and bound copy of the book, download a PDF, or read it
as a hyperlinked html file.
Raj Shekhar                        Y!IM : lunatech3007
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