Thanks for the advice
but I already did that and guess will pay for it by suffering a bit and 
will wait for the next Ubuntu release to get on track

am will follow up on the wiki


Pankaj kaushal wrote:

>>I have just changed my laptop to Ubuntu - about a month back. One of the 
>>features I liked was that it has a common repository with Debian - so 
>>when there was a post saying that debian 3.1_roa dvd;s available I 
>>managed to track and get one and then used it to update my system. I am 
>Small Answer: Dont do that.
>Long Answer:
>I am a debian nazi. I have fought all distro wars on this mailing list
>and others siding debian. As long as I have used debian on a desktop I
>have always used *unstable* and have gotten like 20-40 day uptime before
>something majorly crashed.
>>not sure what I allowed to be updated but the results are strange
>>1. I get a debian login screen
>>2. Open office is debian
>>3. Multi language login
>>etc etc
>>and some others seemingly cosmetic and not so cosmetic
>As I said in the short answer, dont do that. Dont mix the package tree's
>of ubuntu and debian. If you install packages from a debian source, how
>do you expect them to carry a ubuntu logo? If you do such things, sane
>people such as me will not support you or help you.
>If you want the latest *stuff*. There is something called universe and
>multiverse in ubuntu which basically is a copy of latest debian unstable
>that *debian* people are working on to make stable.
>Hoary is the latest release ... if you have universe and multiverse, you
>should have access to all the packages there are.
>Here is what you are looking for,

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