I tried the various options and it still does not work
the sites I am trying to access are www.dainikjagran.com and 
www.amarujala.com - their fonts are available on the website itself.

I tried following the instructions as given by Vivek Kapoor , seen below 
but no progress.
I tried both as root and as user

tried the other option of making a local.conf file and that too does not 
my local.conf file is below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file for local customizations -->


I used gedit to edit and save
I wonder what I am missing ??


Vivek Kapoor wrote:

>On Tue, August 9, 2005 12:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>in ubuntu no fiddling with local.conf is required. copy all the TTF fonts
>to /etc/fonts
>then in your home directory make a symlink of /etc/fonts as .fonts
>$ cd ~
>$ ln -s /etc/fonts .fonts
>run fc-cache though usually its not required. it rebuilds the fonts cache
>$ fc-cache -f
>that's all. open your preferences->fonts and see if the font is listed.
>you don't even need to logout. just shut down firefox and start it and it
>will be there

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