Saurabh Nanda wrote:

>>1. If you reall want a woman in here f**king stop treating them like woman
>>and treat them like other human beings.
>>2. If Women really think this is helping please look back, it only makes
>>us think you want special treatment
>THE most sensible post on the thread!
Sure - shows what attitudes you hold

>Stop asking for 'special treatment' and start behaving normally. Nnow,
>please, don't go off on a tangent with the argument that 'normal'
>behaviour is too manly and woman unfriendly, etc. etc. Men & women
>have differences which should be resepected. Move on.
>Start turning up for meetings. Things will change automagically. 
>Btw - I attended only one ILUG-d meet @ Sarai. That was about 4-5
>years back. Have not been able to attend any meeting since then... is
>this group "Saurabh Nanda unfriendly?" Probably I should write a HOWTO
>on how to make Linux Users Group Saurabh Nanda friendly!
Guess you do have a big ego ? Should not be too much of trouble for you

>Did you find that joke offensive? (PS: On second thoughts it's a bad
>joke... real bad :-p)
>There's only one 'feminist' I've met in my entire life who's agreed to
>the fact that women ask for waaaay too much special treatment. She's
>fed up of it herself. That's exactly what's happening here. (PS:
One does not have to be a feminist to want to not be oppressed.

>I've been on this list for some time now... and I just can't fathom
>what exactly it is that stops females from joining and participating
>in discussion on the *mailing list*! sheesh.. it's just a mailing
If you have been reading the mails of this discussion then there is a 
how to meant specifically for people who can fathom, may be it will help 
you fathom whats happening

again for you kind information kindly go to

>I haven't been to recent meets... so I can't comment on the women
>unfriendly atmosphere there.
So don't comment

>Rant stops here... go back to work and be more productive.
Sure - wonder if women around you in the wrok place feel comfortable ???

I am not a woman but I am not sure if I would be comfortable working 
with people with such insensitive and limited attitudes


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