[Information Security Special Interest Group of India]

The mission of this list is to act as a lighthouse for people and
organizations hailing from varied domains (commercial, government,
defense, academic, research and legal) so that an open and knowledgeable
discussion on information security and its related risks can be spawned.
SigInt Network Defense, as a commercial entity has realized that there
is too much hype, myths and misconceptions associated with this domain.
The resulting paranoia leads to chaos which, in effect, may take this
fledgling industry to wrong roads. Even now, we see and witness unfair
competition, fooled and uninformed customers and erroneous pricing. We
want to have an open, "on your face" forum for discussion where people
from different domains will get acquaintance with security in practical
and definable terms, minus all hype and paranoia. This will lead to a
better understanding of the information security risks we/you face today
as a nation, as an enterprise and as an individual. We will have
discussions on almost all topics under the sun, be it penetration
testing, regulatory compliance, vulnerability research or cyber crime
laws so that we all can see how information security works as a process
and what sub-systems form a part of it. This in the end will create a
positive vibe about this upcoming field, where managers will be better
able to understand the risks its enterprise face today and what kind of
services to avail and from whom. Please note, we are strictly against
any commercial pitches and the sole motive of this list is creating
awareness and confidence in the market. The list is UNMODERATED as of now.
The group website and meetups will be planned soon!

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Public archives:

Pukhraj Singh, CTO
SigInt Network Defense

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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