# Short Question:
How do I install a debian package which I've (manually) downloaded. I
don't have a net connection so I can't use apt-get or something
similar to fetch an entire package list and then install the package.

# Long story:
I trashed my Reliance connection and subscribed to Airtel DSL
broadband. I have an NFORCE motherboard. So I downloaded the Linux
drivers on a friend's comp and wrote them on to a CD. When I tried
installing the drivers on my comp it couldn't find the kernel headers.
So I went over to my friend's comp again and downloaded the kernel
headers (strangely, the kernel's image was present on my 9 CD sarge
set, but the headers and source were not). Now, I want to install this
debian package that contains the kernel headers on my system. Which in
turn will enable me to compile my ethernet card's driver, which in
turn will enable me to get online!


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