On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 23:21:01 +0530
Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wonder how many folks here have read the fine print in the latest
> of Acer's "Sub 40k" notebook ads. They bundle Linux on them, and
> mention at the bottom in small print, something like this:
> "The linux that is preloaded is a free version and would have
> limited functionality until another operating system is installed".
> Is this another way for these hardware vendors to appease Microsoft
> while trying to sell budget notebooks bundled with Linux?
 my cousin studying at IIT bought one on bank loan yesterday from acer
mall in NP. it had some linpus linux, kernel boots & ur just dropped
into a root shell, with two partitions  hda1 (linux) hda2 (windows).
& there was no linpus CD to go with it!



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