On Thu, October 6, 2005 18:17, Rajesh Kumar Mallah said:
> I am using latest stable. I could not find anything on ChangeLogs
> that say  about improvement of selection tools (beizer/pen)
> in upcoming 2.4version. I will definitely try to install and and see
> if there are any changes in that area.
> The main problem is i do not know where the bottleneck is.
> To me pentool of PhotoShop is *as difficult* as pen tool
> of GIMP , because i do not know how to use it. (i am not designer)
> But i observed that the designer was slow in Gimp when it came
> to do the same work on the same image. But designer could not

a user coming from photoshop background will face a good productivity loss
when working on gimp. in photoshop there's a common background which has
the images and toolbox etc. inside it. however in gimp they're separate
and every image is a new window including the toolbox and the layers
dialog box.  that is a major cause of dissatisfaction amongst photoshop
users, because even to apply a single filter, the image needs to be
manually selected but in photoshop its selected by default. also, the menu
options are quite different as well, it'll take some time to adapt to the
new environment.

what i recommend, till someone can be found for training, is

a) don't expect gimp to work exactly like photoshop. some things are
better done in gimp than in photoshop and vice versa
b) try to use the right click menus clicking inside the image. that's a
major perfomance booster which the photoshop users generally ignore
c) have a look at the gimp tutorials. they can help yu understand it better
d) use script-fu also apart from filters, along with tear-off menus and
learn about keyboard shortcuts

gimp is a very efficient tool specially on linux and can get your work
done pretty fast. but, as of version 2.2.x, some things require a few
extra steps such as resizing an image inside a layer which may be
irritating to the photoshop user. but, as said, it is a competent tool and
gets your job done.

| vivek  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://exain.net |
|        Registered Linux User: #305493            |

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