Ok, let me take your questions in steps.

> would u like tell me any developer studio on the
> linux platform who is equilent as a MS-Visual Studio
> and all facilites such as COM/DCOM, socket
> programming, SDK 

What do you mean by developer studio? You want to
develop windows based apps on linux? For running .Net
code on linux, see the mono project.

There are a number of IDEs around for Linux -
KDevelop, Anjuta being two of the best. There are yet
others for various purposes, but those are the most
newbie-friendly ones.

The thing is, I think you've misunderstood the concept
of an Integrated Development environment.. An IDE
helps you write, edit, monitor and debug code. It
doesn't help you *develop* COM/DCOM or socket or
whatever code. You s till write the code by hand - and
it doesn't matter whether you do it in Vi, Emacs or
Notepad. You've got to do that yourself, using the
relevant header files (in this case, socket.h being
the example for socket programming). 

(BTW, what do you mean by "SDK"? An SDK is a software
development kit for a particular platform/language -
so the Java SDK makes sense, but by itself, its just a
generic term)

> etc but do'nt tell me about QT and
> other tools who comes from linux. 

Well, if you're looking to develop applications on
Linux, you WILL need one of QT or GTK. You can't live
without them when developing GUI code. 

> I nid complete
> visual studio for the development of Real Time
> programming as well as openGL programming. Please
> help me. Somebody  tell me ATLib software but i
> did'nt find out.

So now that we've seen that a *complete* solution to
everything doesn't exist, and that you need to mix and
match things - lets address your other questions. And
I've never heard of AT Lib.

For Real time programming, you don't *need* an
integrated environment - you need an SDK which
includes all the libraries, and other code to get
started on it - since it depends on what kind of
hardware you're working on, or intend to.  Which means
that running code on pure linux is not what you're
looking at - you probably want to run RTLinux or
something. Alternatively, get UML (User mode linux)
and run something on top of that - but imo, thats not
a very good approach for mission critical apps - but
you're not writing those yet..

As for OpenGL - you don't really need anything except
for GLUT and the MESA libraries - which are open
source OpenGL implementations to use. All the above
mentioned libs/SDKs or IDEs come with tons of
documentation.. you might want to google search for
tutorials on how to get started with them.


Viksit Gaur           


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