i am running django on two boxen, one mandrake10 and the other freebsd. 
Both run on apache2+mod_python. The media for the web app (css, images, 
js) is served from a directory on /home. This directory is symlinked to 
the main python site-packages directory. The freebsd install runs 
perfectly. On mandrake, apache2 cant access the media saying 'symlinks 
not allowed'. The httpd.conf files are identical in the the two 
installs. In the mandrake install, when the real path is given there is 
no problem. Even if i put 'Options +FollowSymLinks' in the mandrake 
install the same problem arises. Cannot find anything in httpd2.conf or 
httpdcommon.conf which is barring symlinks. Any clues?

tally ho! http://avsap.org.in
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