> Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 12:00:09 +0530
 > From: Anivar Aravind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Subject: New FSF Award for Projects of Social Benefit
 > The Free Software Foundation (FSF) announces the creation of a new
 > annual award, and a call for nominations:
 > "Free Software Award for Projects of Social Benefit"
 > This award is presented to the project or team responsible for
 > applying free software, or the ideas of the free software movement, in
 > a project that intentionally and significantly benefits society in
 > other aspects of life.
 > We look to recognize projects or teams that encourage collaboration to
 > accomplish social tasks. A long-term commitment to one's project (or
 > the potential for a long-term commitment) is crucial to this end.
 > This award stresses the use of free software in the service of
 > humanity. We have deliberately chosen this broad criterion so that
 > many different areas of activity can be considered. However, one area
 > that is not included is that of free software itself. Projects with a
 > primary goal of promoting or advancing free software are not eligible
 > for this award (we honor those projects with our annual Award for the
 > Advancement of Free Software
 > <http://www.fsf.org/news/fs-award-2005.html>).
 > We will consider any project or team that uses free software or its
 > philosophy to address a goal important to society. To qualify, a
 > project must use free software, produce free documentation, or use the
 > idea of free software as defined in the Free Software Definition
 > <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/free-sw.html>. Work done
 > commercially is eligible, but we will give this award to the project
 > or team who best utilizes resources for society's greater benefit.
 > Please send your nominations to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on or
 > before Monday 30 November 2005. Please submit nominations in the
 > following format:
 > * Put the name of the project or team you are nominating in the
 > email message subject line.
 > * Please include, in the body of your message, an explanation (40
 > lines or less) of the project, how it uses free software or free
 > software ideas, and why you think it is especially important to
 > society.
 > * Please state, in the body of your message, where to find the
 > materials (e.g., software, manuals, or writing) which your
 > nomination is based on.
 > We will announce the members of the 2005 award committee shortly. --
 > John Sullivan Program Administrator | Phone: (617)542-5942 x23
 > 51 Franklin Street, 5th Fl. | Fax: (617)542-2652 Boston, MA
 > 02110-1301 USA | GPG: AE8600B6
 > --
 > Anivar Aravind
 > FSF India

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