On 11/4/05, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 04 Nov 2005 5:43 pm, Anupam Jain wrote:
> > >
> > > try django+postgresql. Django is the new python kid on the block.
> >
> > Hmm.. It's new alright.. Just checked out the Django homepage.. It's
> > still in pre-release with no guarantee of backward compatibility and
> > the code only available through subversion repositories.. Scary!
> i have two production sites under django - and i am not worried, even
> though i have limited programming skills. You want open source - stick
> to pure scripting languages. (i have also gone through two major
> non-backward-compatible upgrades of django without scars).Django rocks
> - bigtime

Ok ok I see the advantages of using scripting languages.. And Python
IS exceptionally pretty :) But what about using Jython?... Best of
both worlds as I see it... Someone with Jython experience, please
please give me your opinions...

( Also there are quite a few nice *looking* languages based on the
Java VM that will theoretically be at my disposal if I use Java. )


- AJ

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