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On 12/2/2005 11:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> was curious to know if anyone of the list knows of blackberry being used
> with Linux OS. and if so what are the reviews etc.
> and was seeing on the net that there is anothr device called Treo.
> How do the two compare.
> would appreciate your various opinions.
> and Yes I did a search on the net and am then asking the list.

I have been using the Treo 650 for almost a year now. I think i had
posted a message on the list when i had started using it and how it
works with Mandrake 10.1 . I was able to get it working almost fully,
although using bluetooth. The USB cradle did work, sometimes, mostly it
would hang so bad that i had to do a reset on my laptop. Using the
bluetooth i was able to use OBEX transfers between the phone and laptop
plus sync it with Kontact using kpilot. Another thing worth mentioning
is that both DUN and reverse DUN worked, i was able to use my GPRS
connection on my laptop and also my laptop internet connection (wired or
wireless) on the phone by simulating a PPP connection over bluetooth.

A huge advantage the Treo has is the Palm application library which has
been growing since the OS has been there for years. This collection of
applications allows you to cover almost all areas of work/play and is an
ever expanding collection. Just this morning i was able to SSH into our
mail server and restart the postfix daemon which had crashed, while i
was in the car.

As for the much hyped push email of the BB, there is a push email
solution for the Treo which i have been using. Its an application called
Chattermail which works with any IMAP based server that supports the
IDLE command. I can thus use it with various mail servers and i
currently get mail pushed to me from 3 different mail servers all
running linux. All it needs is a gprs or such data service from the
service provider. The same gprs account is also handy when using other
IP services, i use it a lot to stay connected using Yahoo/MSN/AOL
instant messengers, even when i am traveling within India (provided the
area has coverage from Airtel, as in my case)

I dont have any experience with the BB under linux but i tried using the
BB by itself and i didnt like it. For one, it doesnt look like a phone
at all so it seems a little silly to hold it next to your ear and talk
into it, my opinion ofcourse, many people are happy with it. The other
problem with it is the proprietor OS etc which means lack of third party
apps which in turns means limited functionality.

The BB in my opinion is for one thing only, mobile email and that too
from your service provider. You cant have your office email on your
blackberry unless you buy their enterprise server or forward your office
email to the account that the service provider gives you. In a way you
are locked into that service provider and you pay much higher fees for
this service.

On 12/2/2005 6:52 PM, Akshay Lamba wrote:

> Now, comparison between Trio and BB:
> 1. Try google.com
> 2. The basic solution features of BB are push mail and security, since
> they are pushing this mail post encryption.
> 3. You can compare this with the basic solution features for Trio and
> see how it goes, from what I remember, Trio is just a simple
> SMTP/POP2/IMAP pull based solution.

Well, the Treo actually. The basic out of the box Treo truly does only
POP/SMTP and IMAP but this is where the Palm based device shines. Using
third party applications i can expand it like no BB ever can. I am using
PUSH based imap email and smtp all using SSL so its quite secure. I dont
pay the high amounts that Airtel charges for their BB service, i just
pay the high amount they charge for GPRS :), but the connection gives me
a lot more than just email.

Best of all, i get my office email without having to deal with Exchange,
that just makes me smile :).

- - Ankur.

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