On Monday 05 Dec 2005 5:02 pm, Linux Lingam wrote:
> vivek asks me to send a clarification on age-limit for
> contributing stuff to creativedot.
> from what i understand, if you are 18 years and above, you can
> register and contribute creative authored works to the site.

this is what the site says

> all this only because at 18 and above you can be legally held
> responsible for any legal violations you commit with copyrighted
> material, and/or plagarism, and/or other laws and cyberlaws,
> which are directly or indirectly related with contributing stuff
> to creativedot.

even people under 18 are liable under criminal law - only the 
procedure for trial is different. It comes under the heading of 
'juvenile justice system'

> so if you are under 18 and wanna contribute, you'll need a legal
> guardian to stand in for you, or take legal responsiblity for all
> your actions. IANAL, so the community can best answer how to
> implement this gracefully.

copyright is property. minors can own property. the moment a person, 
minor or major creates a work he gets copyright on it. - there is 
no need to register or apply for copyright. However granting a 
license to the work can only be done through his guardian. So for 
work created by minors, in the license notice, an additional line 
should be added 'I so and so, legal guardian of so and so, hereby 
grant the license on behalf of the said minor'. Anyone can sue the 
minor if they are so inclined, but he/she has to be represented by 
the guardian in the court

> uff! i just realized we'll instantly have dozens of ilug-d
> IANAL-posters who will hold a never-ending discussion on this on
> the mailing list.

frankly i think this is an insult to the members of the list, 
especially as you have made this post without doing any homework or 
consulting any experts. The fact that you made the post here 
implies grant of license to make comments - even if they are crappy 

> what we need is somebody who knows the actual 
> letter and word of the law and volunteers to share with us how to
> do this right.

there are ppl around whom you may consult including l.lessig

tally ho! http://avsap.org.in
ಇಂಡ್ಲಿನಕ್ಸ வாழ்க!

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