--- santosh dubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all,
>   I want to run a script as root. (setuid bit is set for root). But
> apache is not executing this script.

Running as root is never recommended - there is always better ways of
doing these things.

>   I used #!/usr/bin/perl -wT as suggested by Mithun. But no result. I

I think I mentioned 3-4 more points can you answer those too ?

I assume the apache logs are not mentioning anything when you access
these scripts..

> don't have suidperl installed and i cannot rebuild server to run as
> root. 

You dont need to rebuild. Setting userid to run as is a configuration

>   Is it possible to run such scripts from apache.?? if  yes then how
> to do that?
>   security of server is no issue as it is over internal server...

Its your server we can only warn you.


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